Co-Founder Jessica shares a moment of reflection as our independent media and communications agency turns 2, and what a 2 years it’s been!

Who’d have thought this bunch of 2yr olds would go on to create and build a media and communications agency that survived a global pandemic in its mere infancy? Not me thats for sure!

As we turn 2, it’s given me time to reflect and think about the journey we’ve been on. We never seem to be good at looking back, only forward. So it feels only right that today I take a step back to realise what we’ve done in such a short time.

Love Sugar Science started in the beginning of 2019, but was ‘born’ with the help of Goodstuff in March 2019. Thinking about that launch event in The Freemount, it feels like it could be 10yrs ago, not 2. So much has happened since we set up with no founding client and just a load of big dreams.

As it stands today (and what i’m able to share…) we have won over c£8m new business. We get to work with some absolutely fantastic people, incredible brands and companies who all share in our ambition and belief to do things differently.

When people have asked me what it’s like to run my own business I very honestly tell them 2 things. The highs are like nothing I’ve ever felt – winning business for yourself beats any pitch win I’ve ever had the joy of working on. The lows are rough. It’s hard, it’s relentless, it’s all consuming. But the highs….. remember the highs.

There is a reason we keep going on though, not just the highs of the win and watching the business grow. But the fact we can do what we want. There are no walls, no ceilings – we can choose to make this business whatever we want and work with people we want to work with. That is the best thing of all.

We have made some new hires and are excited to share even more news of business wins and new hires in the company, which comes with its own unique set of emotions. We are going to create something now thats far beyond what we can achieve as 4 founders, we’re bringing people on who can take our business to the next level and create the agency we’ve dreamed about.

We work for them now. We work to make sure that the people who join in on our dream want to do it for the same reasons we do. To enjoy the ride and create amazing work for our brave and wonderful clients.

And to you, our brave and wonderful clients – who are really and truly our partners. We thank you the most. Without you, we wouldn’t be 2.