Buy your bee and help the kids!

As lockdown eases and we mark 4th July as the day when we could all leave our homes and go to the pub (within reason!) we wanted to share with you our final Creativity x Covid beautiful work of art….

Our co- created, lockdown inspired Bee!

Designed and filled full to the brim with all the amazing  pictures you shared with us during our Creativity x Covid campaign. Over 7 days we received over 250 pictures of your lockdown happy times and have the pleasure of sharing this with you now ready for you to enjoy forever!

By purchasing one of our Bee’s, you will be donating money towards  Wood Street Mission, a charity close to our hearts.

Wood Street Mission dedicate their time and efforts into improving the lives and life chances of children living in poverty in Manchester and Salford by providing basic family necessities such as clothing, bedding and toiletries, as well as focusing on improving the life chances of children through projects focused on education and literacy. Wood Street Mission are an independent charity that aims to help break the cycle of poverty by engaging more children in their education, to gain the necessary life skills to prevent them from being the next generation needing our help.

During Civd-19 pandemic they have been unable to offer the support to the children in our community who need it most, and as they re-open the doors they need our donations and support more than ever. By purchasing one of our co-created bees you are helping a child in need.

Read more about the great work Wood Street Mission do here

Go on then, how do you buy them?!

It’s easy!! Get emailing to order yours now! We will take orders over email and ask you to specify the kind of image you would like to purchase (see below price list) along with your name and postal address.  We take payment via PayPal and post your special print out to you with all our love.  Simple.

Price list below:

Digital image only: £5

Postcard size print: £10        click here to view:     LSS Bee Postcard WM

A4 size print: £15.                  click here to view:     LSS Bee A4 WM

A note on donations:
All profits go directly to Wood Street Mission. 100% of the money for digital prints will go directly to Wood Street Mission. The cost of print and postage will be taken from the cost of sale of the Postcard and A4 prints.
We’re accepting payments through PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account in order to send payment.